Backroom Defiance


Reason Your Revolution.


Today, when the world faces the wrath of selfish beliefs, when the world does not have the “B” In the Bonnet for the humanity, when the world does not have the fire to burn injustice and when the world does not have curiosity to draw conclusions, We here to simplify irrationality, we are here to blow lid-off some of the most  O-LEVEL issues of humanity and we are here to draw an outline of some of  the most haphazard political issues of world politics and particularly INDIA.  

When we write on an issue, we  ”Think about it, talk about it, act about it.” 
Keep buzzing into this space for  some of the most underneath issues of  SOCIAL SCIENCE. 

-Sachin Sengar (Editor)  (@)  -

You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can't jail a Revolution

– Amit Kumar  (Co- Editor) (@)

If you don't like something, Change it!